Sunday 17 February 2013

Idea 2 Photographer Research

Julian Rosefeldt
Julian Rosafeldt lived in Munich, Germany in 1965. He studied architecture in Munich and Barcelona. Rosefeldt has lived and worked in Berlin since 1999.
I am using Julian Rosefeldt for my photographer research because I saw a piece of his work which fits in with my second idea 'human reactions'

Rosefeldt has a fascination wih day to day reality and stereotypes, cliches and 'mindless repetitions that suffuse popular culture.' In his interesting arrangements, Julian grouped together stills taken from soap operas; characters expressing themselves mid conversation with melodramatic actions. He has grouped together the people dependent on their poses and body language, finding common expressions and arranging the photos in a grid. By highlighting how many of the same expressions are used in images we see everyday, a very ordinary expression can become extraordinary because of the new way it's being presented. The characters will all be different, their scenarios contrasting but essentially they have the same basic human emotions to express themselves. Individually, they each look shocked or angered . Arranged together however, they become funny, each character looking like he/she is mimicking her neighbour.
 This is one of the grids Rosefeldt put together.
 I can use Julian Rosefeldt's work in my own idea by using the same or similar presentation by displaying my photos in a 4 by 3 grid each illustrating a reaction whether it's happiness, excitement or amusement.

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