Sunday 17 February 2013

Idea 2 Secondary Research

Idea 2
Secondary Research
Human reactions
I liked this photo because it is natural and not staged. The laughter is genuine so you can clearly see the difference in their expressions. The lady in the middle is the focal point because she is the only person in focus and you can see that she is laughing the most, in fact she looks hysterical. The others are laughing but not as much, especially the man to the right of her.
This shows people reacting to a film in the cinema. I think this has been set up because it looks quite fake but I noticed that some of them are doing similar things for example, most of them have their mouths open and eyes wide and the two women at the front have straight, tense hands almost covering their faces.
All these people have very similar facial expressions while on a rollercoaster. The three adults in the shot leaning back in to their chair and their mouths and eyes are very wide open while the child is screaming but has his eyes shut. The man has his arm across the boy as if he was naturally trying to protect him.
Shocked expressions-hands over mouths, reaching out as if to help someone. I think this kind of photo makes people ask questions (eg what are they looking at?) and I like photos that do that. They're obviously reacting to something bad but I want to know if it is something like a man just punched someone or is it a lot worse like 9/11?
I can't tell what these peoples' reactions are..I think the player on the left is angry and the payer on the right is celebrating. However, they could both be angry his (right) facial expression looks quite aggressive. The crowd behind them appear to also be celebrating. I like the photo because the crowd are not in focus and yet you get to see both the players ad the crowd's reactions.


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