Sunday 17 February 2013

Idea 3 Secondary Research

Idea 3
Secondary Research
Street Photography
Photo by Matt Stuart.
This was very well observed by Matt because the pposter of the bird behind the skip almost makes it look like there's a giant bird sat on the road.
The timing for this picture was perfect! I think it looks funny because everyone has thir mouths wide open and in a picture it just looks like they're all pulling funny faces! I'd love to take a photo like this but I imagine it's very hard to find a moment like it.
Another brilliant moment caught on camera, two people on a run stretching by a gate meanwhile a dog is mirroring them, only peeing against the gate. here are two normal occurances mixed in to one to create a memerable moment! I like the photo in black and white because in my opinion, it makes it more funny because black and white are such normal colours.
Another shot by Matt Stuart
Again, Matt Stuart's observational skills are shown here because the shadows from the traffic lights make this police officer look like he has a moustache. When i first saw the photo from a distance I thought he really did have a moustache which I think adds to the element of surprise when you do look closer and see that he doesn't.

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