Sunday 17 February 2013

Idea 3 Photographer Research

Martin Bond

Extraordinary Things in Ordinary Places

Martin Bond is a photographer based in Cambridge. He isn’t very well known, mainly locally and most people know him for his ‘Cambridge diary’. Martin takes a photo every day on the streets of Cambridge and uploads it to facebook for people to enjoy. His photos are often very humorous and interesting and in a way he reminds me of Matt Stuart because he does street photography and seems to capture everything at the right moment. I think he has a very good eye for photos and he captures scenes and situations that someone walking down the street probably wouldn’t notice. Cambridge is well known for being a historical city famous for its university and beautiful buildings, and the home of Stephen Hawking but when you see Martin’s photos, you realise that Cambridge is a crazy city and the people living in it are living proof!

This is Charlie Caver, a man who plays his guitar and sings songs in a bin. He is probably the most popular busker in Cambridge and tourists love him! If you don't live in Cambridge or go to Cambridge often, then you would probably be quite confused by this picture which is why I like it. I also like the way Charlie is looking at the camera with a very normal expression because it's not normal to play music in bins.

This woman is always wondering around the streets of Cambridge. She is fairly well known as the 'mad woman' and is often seen wearing very strange clothes. This is a good picture because she stands out a lot in her vibrant red outfit against the dull grey and browns of the street. She is also pretty much standing on a third.

I love the irony of this photo and it was very clever of Martin to notice the link between the sign and the man as I assume he didn't have long to think about it.



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